Bencha Theater is well-known both in the Netherlands and abroad, featuring a cast of performers with international reputations. The acrobats, dancers and musicians are all multi-talented within their particular disciplines. The Bencha Theater group are unique in combining professional talent with broad-ranging emotional expression, providing an extra dimension to our performances.

Bencha Theater performed at:
Symphonica in Rosso with Marco Borsato and Lionel Richie, the Elicium Opening (RAI), Stout & New (Gerard Joling), the Achterhoek spektakel toer, Oerol festival, International Circus Festival Circo Circolo, World Port Days Rotterdam, Bangkok Street Performance Festival (Thailand), Kleines fest im Grossen garten (Germany), Spraoi Festival (England), Carnaval di Venezia (Italy), the opening ceremony of the Indian Premier League Cricket Games Bangelore (India), Idols, Daidogei world cup festival (Japan) and many other national and international events and street festivals.